Technology Guidelines

Cell Phones

When a student brings a cell phone to school, it must be turned off and stored in his/her backpack. A student may use a cell phone only with a teacher's permission.

The following actions will be taken should a student choose to use their cell phone without permission by a teacher:

First Offense Cell phone taken to the office to be retrieved at the end of the day.
Second Offense Cell phone dropped off at office in a.m. for a period of one week, to be retrieved at the end of each day.
Third Offense Cell phone privilege removed. No longer allowed to bring the phone to school for the rest of the year.



All electronics, including MP3 players, iPods, electronic games, laser pointers, or CD/DVD players are not to be brought to school, unless special permission has been obtained from the teacher.


Internet Policy

The school takes seriously the responsibility for appropriate use of the internet. Filtering is in place, but filters are not 100% effective. Teachers guide students toward appropriate resources, but students are responsible for their behavior and choices when on the internet. Should a student accidentally access a site that is inappropriate, that student should inform the teacher and close out the program immediately. Violations in computer or internet use may result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary measures. 

Cell Phones




Internet Policy